Which Hogwarts house do you belong in? Take this 14 question quiz to find out!
Try to answer as honestly as you can.
If you don't like the house you are sorted into you can take the quiz again but then thats not the house you really belong in...is it ?

Questions are not all my idea, some were taken and altered from other sorting hat quizzes and some I made myself.

Let's begin....

1. Which animal would you bring to Hogwarts ?
an owl.
a crow.
a cat.
a toad.

2. You get called to the headmasters office, why do you think that is ?
I guess its to congratulate me on my perfect test scores again.
Maybe it's just for a friendly chat.
I have no idea.
I haven't done anything wrong...it wasn't me.

3. A horrible creature is coming down the hallway right towards you. What do you do ?
I would fight it, I have to protect me and my friends.
I push people over trying to run away as fast as I can.
I get out my wand and shoot a spell at it I read the other day.
I grab my friends and run to tell the nearest teacher.

4. You've been given an un-expected quiz in class. How do you feel about it ?
That’s fine, I studied yesterday just in case. You never know when these things can happen.
This is so unfair, why don't they warn us, I'll just copy the kid next to me.
I'll work through the quiz, my marks would be average regardless of if I studied or not anyway.
I'll try my best, whatever result I'll get is the grade I've earned.

5. How do you feel about school rules ?
They are what I go by, I don't break the rules.
A good guide but, I think I also need to act on my own conscience.
They are something that get in the way but are useful when I can adapt them to suit me.
They are good, they help keep things fair for everyone.

6. Its raining outside but you must cross the courtyard to get to your class, what do you do:
I put my hood up and run for the classroom, jumping a huge puddle on the way.
I know its been raining all day so I've planned an alternate route to get there dry.
I'm not getting wet, my hair goes fuzzy. I skip class, what’s the point of getting soaked over it.
What’s the problem, its just rain. No-body's died from getting wet.

7. Someone calls you a name, what would it be and how would you react ?
A nerd, but they’re just jealous of my grades.
A boring nobody. I don't care, I get that alot.
A self-centred prat, and I'm currently planning my revenge.
A goody-two-shoes, but what’s wrong with that.

8. You find a wizard card on the ground that completes your set, its really rare, what do you do ?
I leave it there, someone is probably looking for it.
I grab it, finder's keepers losers weepers, my set is complete.
I take it to the lost and found, someone's probably going frantic over loosing it.
Take the card and go around asking if anyone’s lost a wizard card, if no-one comes forward I might get to keep it.

9. You have arrived late to your first class because you had trouble finding your shoes. You've usually always on time , yet your teacher angrily yells at you. What do you do ?
I endure the yelling, they are probably just having a bad day, I don't want to cause more trouble.
I let them yell, I don't really care, I'm not listening anyway.
I try to explain to them the reason and add in that I've never been late before now.
I yell right back at them! How dare they yell at me for something so ridiculous, I have to stand up for myself.

10. You have just returned to your house common room from a long day when a friend calls you over and asks for help, what do you do ?
I'm too tired, so I make up a lie to get out of helping them.
I'll help, but I tell that I am really tired so they know my assistance may not be too helpful.
I'm tired, but what are friends for ? I give them the help they need.
I ask them how I can help and then ask them if I can help them tomorrow when I've rested.

11. A fellow student accuses you in front of a whole crowd of students that you stole their school tie which you did not. After telling them over and over that you didn't take it, what do you do ?
I stand up for myself, yelling when necessary. This kid is getting really annoying.
I try to rationalize with them, why would I take their tie when I have my own. And I get others to back me up.
I back down, why would they accuse me, I haven't done anything to them. I offer to give them my tie to get them to stop yelling.
I argue back, I didn't take the tie but one day I will take their tie to get revenge on them for accusing me.

12. A friend takes you to a locked classroom that is rumoured to have some really cool stuff in it. What do you do, your friend wants to check it out ?
The door is locked so it must be for a good reason, so I convince my friend not to go in.
I just take a peek inside for a little while. What could it hurt? I will be careful.
I want to see what’s inside, but I get my friend to unlock the door so if we get caught, they will get blamed instead of me.
I'm not sure, I don't want to get in trouble so I wait outside while my friend has a look.

13. You inherited a large sum of money. What do you do with it?
I don't jump into buying anything right away, I put it all into the bank and spend it wisely only when it is required.
I buy a few things right away. And something for my friends and family, then hide the rest away for later.
I buy something really expensive to make others jealous.
I buy a few things I need, then put the rest into the bank.

14. Finally the sorting hat needs you to use your divination skills, which one automatically gets your attention ?
Elf calk blow fley fup.
Eznor lebu walb cen.
Hey rin lsiten rve ger.
Lod gelt car frods nif.